Thursday 15 December 2011


I was always fixated as a child, and in much respects I still am.
With The Country.
The Wild..
The very thrill of not knowing..
There are so many beautiful things once you take that road out of the city all around you!
In many respects, like this song I posted.The connection you have is an overwhelming feeling of pleasure..

I can't really describe it any other way, but I'm sure if you'll understand once you hit play. : )
 I feel people's connecting with natural things to be very derivative on a person well being.  My love for Folk music has always reconnected me with these feelings and let me know that their are people who can articulate beautiful words and display a beautiful story in your head of many magnitudes.  In the span of two minutes, your world changes. (well at least mine does! ahaha) This man, is an Old Soul..beautifully crafted song spoken from the very depths of a man. When he speaks about "Truth", you just know what it is, without him saying anything, you just know.

...It's just beautiful.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Family,folk and the Ernest feeling you bestow..

I don't claim to be a writer of great things or really in any sense of the meaning! . I firmly believe in expression of oneself. I merely hope that whoever shall read this page takes something out of it ,upon reading it. From one humble person to the next. I do hope that you enjoy.

I parked my car on the street, as I would usually do upon coming home from work.
Worked both jobs today, and the brace on my leg doesn't seem to suffice or to be holding up that great.
The special glow in my face, that some may refer to  be described as " Christmas spirit" hahaha
Let's just say it's been losing its domineer. That's another story in itself I will leave for another time.

I throw my bag on the floor, to look up to see my mother smiling. She is sitting down laughing flipping threw cards and old pictures from an old box.
 I hang my jacket on the railing and approach her. She explains that while cleaning the basement she found all these old picture's of us, as well as family. As she flips she remarks," such lovely cards, some of them still with us, some of them are gone...and some of them I never hear from anymore"
She and myself lately haven't really been the greatest, and giving that its this time of year and I'm working two crummy jobs, she gets it.

She hands me a picture, and  we both started to laugh!
I cannot say that we made much money that day, but I can say that it's a great picture that brought some glow back into my face. : )

We continued to flip threw , until she stopped upon on card and paused and let out a deep sigh.

" This is you're grandfather writing" ,she remarked .
 She than begun to read it aloud, and once it started; each word she read was brilliant.
The more she read ,the more and more I felt at ease...

" You're grandfather was a lovely man!" ,she said..
 Following that statement by saying that this was his last
Christmas before he died..

A sort of Ambivalence hit me, and I was than lost in her words..
As she read it, I pictured how my grandfather would have read it ,upon writting it.

it's simply wonderful..
"Be good boys for mum, and have a great holidays. We will be thinking about you with lots of hugs and kisses until we see you. God bless both of you. much love"
I think the ,"be good for mum" part struck a chord with me..
This card is timeless and thus brought me and my mum closer together. To me this is the greatest christmas gift I have ever shared with someone. It speaks for times long past behind and great times ahead for my family. I could'nt ask for anything more! This christmas I havent asked for anything, and don't attend to or desire much.
I firmly have what I want and goals to aspire work towards for the year ahead of me.. Though, there is one thing though..I do have a wish for myself that will remain private,I just hope its not to late and that I can only hope , unfolds the its favour..

So ,as I come to a close . I know not a day goes by where I don't miss you Grandad! I truly hope that I will be half the man in my lifetime you were. I ALLllways love mums stories about you and really feel how great of a man you were ,when she speaks about you. That's for sure. : )

So I hope this in many respects, this lets you know the impact you made on myself and the people you cared about. As well, how in many respects , stress how important family is.
So for who whosoever stumbles across my blog. Perhaps, just perhaps.. it shall be as uplifting as it was for myself and my mother too share. That as faint and taxing as the last few weeks have been for me, this proves to be one sincerely uplifting moment.. : )

Merry Christmas Everyone! and have a safe and Happy Holidays! Oh , and Grandad! I will be good to her Sir, I promise.

Till my next post Folks, I'll leave you guy's with a lovely Christmas song that Erinie might have liked! ; ) ( That's my grand papa!)